2013年11月11日 星期一


隨堂卷 L5

16. 在做「風車」這個動作時,男舞者用上半身旋轉,帶動雙腳在空中打轉 。
When doing the windmill, a male dancer rotates on his upper body with his legs spinning around in the air.

17. 用單手撐住整個身體的重量並旋轉
in which they support their entire body weight with just one hand while spinning

18. 街舞沒有固定的規則,它反而是要測試身體的極限。
There are no set rules in street dance; instead, it is about testing the body’s limits.

19. 就是這些年輕的舞者將這種處於劣勢的舞蹈帶領到更高的境界。
It is these young dancers that/who take this underdog of the dance world to new heights.


Oct. Week 3
After I entered the yurt, I discovered/found that there was no indoor plumbing.

indoor plumbing 室內沖水馬桶

Oct. Week 4
This apple cider is unlike any other fruit drink on the market.

cider (n.) (蘋果)汁、(蘋果)酒
on the market (市面/場上)
in the market (在實體市場裡)
「不像....一般」 就是指「不像...」,並非指「一般(common)」

Nov. Week 1
Because the eyes of this nocturnal creature are so large/huge, it has a wide 
(1) field of vision/view.  (2) visual field.


