2013年9月26日 星期四

空英 September Week 3 & 龍騰 Book 3 L1大卷翻譯解答 (for 212)

•I admire/appreciate the classical classic music,
but my preference is for jazz (music) .
/ but I prefer jazz (music).

再次提醒!空英bonus你有寫就有分!Don't give up!

•41. Vocabulary is regarded as the basis/foundation for English learning. bases
•42. Michael(他是男的) doesn't like history. In addition/Besides, he also hates math.

注意看題目,43, 44是題組!
•43. After winning the first prize in the speech contest/competition, Tom was viewed as a hero at school.
•44. However, Tom didn't become arrogant because of this. Instead, he said he would work harder to face more challenges in the future.

•45. Jack tends to take / is used to taking others’ kindness for granted.
•46. No wonder he is regarded/viewed as selfish and is not popular. (unpopular/unwelcome)
• 47. On (the) other hand, Mary is kind and willing to help others.

•seen / seem (似乎) 要分清楚!
•be thought of as 不要忘記of!
•either 也不 (前用否定)
•tend to V / be used to Ving 注意後面所接的動詞形式!
•arrogant 是「形容詞」,前要有be 動詞或連綴動詞(become)
•no wonder (難怪) / no matter (無論) / no doubt (無疑)
•instead, however 是副詞不是連接詞!注意斷句、標點符號與大小寫!

